
Earn college 信贷 while in high school with dual 信贷.

双学分是一个允许合格的高中生进入大学的项目 level classes that earn both high school and college 信贷.

该项目由高中和堪萨斯城市社区学院联合运营 城市, students receive 信贷 at both institutions upon successful completion of dual 信贷的课程. These 课程 are primarily taught at the high school by high school instructors.



Enrollment for dual 信贷的课程 is arranged by the high school. 大学学费 大都会社区学院的学费是学费的一半 课程 on one of the 十大娱乐彩票平台 campuses. The school or the student will be billed as established in the dual 信贷 agreement. In many cases, the high school will provide 要求 课程书籍.



双学分学生必须达到或超过所有入学资格要求 在十大娱乐彩票平台课程中. Specifically, they must meet all prerequisite requirements for any 课程,包括英语、阅读和数学的分班考试成绩 as 要求 by 十大娱乐彩票平台 policies for all students.

因为根据定义,他们是高中生,所以参加双学分课程的学生 旨在转到本州其他学院和大学的课程 必须符合较高入学资格要求的大学开设的课程 by the Missouri Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE). 这些包括最低限度 平均成绩要求,科目测试的满意分数,以及 the recommendation of the high school principal and/or 辅导员.

Students with high school GPAs less than 2.5 will generally not be eligible for dual 信贷. 最终决定学生是否有资格参加职业和技术课程 rests with the Vice Chancellor of Instruction/Chief Academic Officer.

Eligibility requirements include:

  • Juniors and Seniors with a 3.0+ cumulative GPA are eligible without a letter of recommendation.
  • Juniors or Seniors must have a 2.5 -2.99 cumulative GPA (requires signature of high 学校双学分咨询师和家长提供“入学意向”(ITE)和一封 recommendation from principal or 辅导员.
  • Sophomores must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA AND signature of high school dual 信贷 咨询师和家长关于ITE和校长和学校的推荐信 辅导员.
  • ACT或大学入学考试成绩在入选资格范围内 (年代).

*Note: GPA calculation is unweighted


双学分学生可以获得与十大娱乐彩票平台学生相同的大学资源 利用.

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