十大娱乐彩票平台-Maple Woods Clubs & 组织

So, you want to get involved ...

本学期,我们将举办面对面、混合和虚拟活动的组合. Please contact our office at mw.campuslife@2ve6n74.net for a listing of events.

The office of Campus 生活 and 领导 makes getting involved easy. You can get involved in various activities, organizations, and opportunities. Making these connections can enhance and complement your educational experience and success.

下面列出的只是几个活跃在十大娱乐彩票平台-Maple Woods的俱乐部和组织,包括 club or organization name, description and advisor information.

如果你有兴趣加入,请联系具体的顾问或校园 生活 & 领导.

If you don't see something you like, you can start your club. Please stop by the Campus 生活 & 领导 office (Student Center 130) or email mw.campuslife@2ve6n74.net to learn more about starting a club.

Active clubs and organizations

Inactive clubs

以下俱乐部/组织过去曾是十大娱乐彩票平台-Maple Woods的一部分. Currently, they are not active - but can be revitalized.

如果您有兴趣,请致电十大娱乐彩票平台和领导办公室 816.604.3319, e-mailing mw.campuslife@2ve6n74.net or stopping by Student Center 130.

American Sign Language Club

中冶枫叶美国手语俱乐部的使命是提供一个出口 让学生参与社区服务,回馈校园 社区. While doing so, creating friendships and networks with others.


艺术俱乐部为学生提供了一个提高认识和推广的创意渠道 the arts within our campus and surrounding communities.

Business Marketing Club

商业营销俱乐部促进和利用学生的商业技能. 我们的主要 目的是给我们的成员动手业务经验,团队合作的项目技能 and internship opportunities.

Chess Club

To teach the basics of chess and prepare for tournaments. 学生 may receive training in a variety of chess styles such as: bullet, classical and blitz.

Cycling Club

自行车俱乐部是为所有对自行车感兴趣的学生而设的. 我们见面 weekly for safe, organized, group bicycle rides. Riders of all skill levels are welcome - there will be no drops. One of the goals of Cycling Club is to ensure a better commuting experience (facilities, repairs, etc.) for those commuting to campus by methods other than motor vehicles.

Dreamers Club

梦想家俱乐部是一个全方位的俱乐部,专注于发出声音,提高意识, and giving back to marginalized communities. We focus on LGBTQIA+, people of color, disability awareness, mental health awareness and more.

地下城 & 龙

The 地下城 & 龙 club is dedicated to playing classic tabletop role playing games such as the D&D, Cipher, Pathfinder and others. Every 学期 we play adventures 探索奇幻世界的深处,与他们的怪物战斗,并声称他们的 珍惜自己,一切在舒适的学校教室里.

Fostering Optimism Through Awareness

FOTA旨在通过促进友谊提供一个积极的校园内外环境, unity and creativity. Through support, group activities, events and 社区 service, our goal is to uplift the individual, campus and 社区.

Improv Theater Club

即兴俱乐部旨在通过即兴表演为学生提供一个创造性的出口. We 玩游戏和表演小品,以娱乐整个社区的表演 学期.

Vet Tech Club

兽医科技会透过组织以下活动,提升专业精神及领导能力 campus, club and 社区 events. Improving the health and well-being of animals through education is a priority.