Health Science Institute

Where healing hands get hands-on experience.

十大娱乐彩票平台最先进的健康科学研究所(HSI)是一个独特的学习设施. True-to-life simulation stations in this 190,000 sq. ft. building takes hands-on learning opportunities, clinical skill practice and patient care 团队合作 to the next level.

Your home for 卫生保健 education:

  • 如果你想开始医疗保健事业,你可以从证书和学位中选择 programs in a vast variety of nursing and allied health fields.
  • If you are already in the field, you can choose from many professional development options and can earn continuing education units (CEUs).
  • 如果你的医疗机构需要人力资源、流程改进方面的帮助, 健康信息技术、健康安全管理或临床实践 employees, we provide customized training and consulting services.

退休的专业人员,再加上婴儿潮一代的老龄化,使得医疗保健成为可能 one of the fastest-growing career fields in the country.

Training, classes and consulting

True-to-life education 套件s

In addition to the virtual hospital, six other hands-on learning areas throughout 健康科学研究所创造了一个模拟的临床环境,让学生 use real clinical equipment and tools to practice patient care scenarios.


除了有机会在模拟套房进行实际的临床实践, 学生还可以在健康科学研究所的健康资源中学习宝贵的技能 Center.

  • 解剖实验室
  • Small group study rooms
  • 10-seat computer station
  • Student and faculty interaction
  • 学习专家
  • 技术

资源 and policies

我们的大部分资源都是开放的(先到先得) within our facility at any time. Some materials, such as those on loan from instructors, may be held at the front desk. A valid student ID or driver's license must be presented to use laptops or X-ray light boxes. Please see HRC staff for assistance.

HSI student resources and policies